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Conquer Your Habits in 2025

Looking to build better habits? Struggling to ditch old habits?

Register for our FREE 30-Day "Habit Hero" 2025 Program to learn why making or breaking habits is so hard and what you can do to maximise your chances of success. 

The "Habit Hero" 2025 program is free for MindRazr enterprise customers, and please make sure you are also registered on the MindRazr employee wellbeing platform, to enjoy full access to the program exercises. 

You can register on the MindRazr platform here. You can also download our habit tracker here.

If you have any questions or issues, or need assistance with your enterprise access code, please contact support@mindrazr.com 

Register For The "Habit Hero" 2025 Program

What We'll Cover

The program will start on the 3rd of February 2025 and will be open to new registrations until the end of March 2025. The program runs for 30 days, where you will receive daily reminders, articles, tips and exercises to help you stay on track as you try to embed these new habits in your daily routine.

The program will kick-off with two preparation days where will we explore how habits are formed and what you can do to maximise your chances of success including clearly articulating your habit plan for the next four weeks and preparing your environment to maximise your chances of success.

Then it is time to put your habit plan into action. The program is then broken into weekly "sprints", and at the end of each weekly sprint you will be encouraged to review your progress, reflect on what has worked and what hasn't, and then adjust your plan where necessary.  The underlying message of the program is that progress comes from small changes, performed consistently, reviewed and updated regularly.

During the program we will explore a wide range of habits such as eating, drinking, sleep, exercise, cognitive and tech habits. We will also explore ways to manage habit triggers and deal with challenging situations or setbacks.


The importance of having a clear understanding of what your aspirations are and why you want to change your habits.


The importance of having a clear understanding of which behaviours you need to change, aligning them to your goals and managing your environment.


The importance of adapting existing habits to embed new behaviours, creating accountability and tracking your performance, instead of relying solely on motivation, self-discipline and willpower.


The importance of embedding and rewarding small and sustainable new behaviours, that can be repeated frequently, consistently and easily.